160 Reference Material:
notes, labs, exercises, and exams

Notes and discussionLabPractice exercises Past exam questions
intro to C++
intro to software development
small scale program management
Lab 0 old intro quiz
data types and conversions
data and calculation
code comments
literals, constants, #define
input and output with scanf and printf
style rules and programming
Lab 1 prelim questions 1-13
getting started
early io,
basic data types
2018: M1
2017: M1
2016: M1
2015: M1
functions and parameters
variable scope
modularity and design with functions
Lab 2 software concepts,
prelim questions 14-19
comprehension questions (a)-(d)
quiz (pdf)
pass by reference
2018: F2, M2
2017: M2, M3
2016: M2
2015: M2, M4, M5
selection (if/else, switch)
enumerated types
Lab 3 Part 1: basic coding
if/else exercises
part 10: switches and enums
2018: M3, M4, M5
2017: M4, M5
2016: M3, M4, M5, F0
2015: M3
Midterm 1 is about here
recursion Lab 4 Part 8: iteration vs recursion
recursion exercises
2018: F8, M1
2017: M5
2016: M3, F4
2015: M3, M4 F7
loops (while, do while, for) Lab 5 basic coding
types of loops
practice with loops
programming practice: loops
2018: F1, F3, M2, M3
2017: M1, M3, M4
2016: M1, M2, M4, F1, F2
2015: M1, M2, F2, F3, F7
basic sorting of arrays
binary search of sorted arrays
Lab 6 part 5: array basics
part 11: searching and sorting
writing programs from algorithms
2018: F5, M4, M5
2016: F3, F4, F5
2015: M5, M6, F1, F5
Midterm 2 is about here
null terminated char arrays
command line arguments
Lab 7 null terminated string exercises 2018: F4
2017: M2
2016: M5, F6
output with cout and input with cin
Lab 8 (try any of the other exercises,
but use cout/cin instead of printf/scanf)
File I/O
file I/O with fstream
Lab 9 fileio exercises 2018: F9
2016: F7
2015: F6
multidimensional arrays and typedefs
testing and debugging principles
(none) part 15: testing and debugging
part 16: two-d arrays
2D array exercises
2015: F9
structs Lab 10 final prep questions
part 9: structs
2018: F6
2016: F8
2015: F4
dynamic array resizing
struct for two-D array (code example)
Lab 11 dynamic array allocation
arrays and pointers
structs and pointers
array resizing exercises
2018: F7
2016: F9
2015: F8
linked lists (none) linked lists
linked list exercises
general wrap-up quiz
2016: F10
abstract data types (ADTs)
intro to classes/objects
C++ class libraries (string, list, etc)
(none) abstract data types (adts) (none)
Extra material
special alphabets, characters, and unicode
the preprocessor (#defines etc)
hardware/software interaction
computing history
(none) architecture 2015: F10

Extra reference material