Practice examples: structs and pointers

Study and comment the struct allocation, access, and deallocation examples below:

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

struct infoStruct {
   int    intField;
   string strField;
   float* fptrField;

const int Size1 = 3;
const int Size2 = 2;

int main()
   int i, j;

   infoStruct arr[Size1];

   printf("Initializing array of infoStructs\n");
   for (i = 0; i < Size1; i++) {
       arr[i].intField  = i;
       arr[i].strField  = "test1";
       arr[i].fptrField = new float[Size2];
       for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) 
           arr[i].fptrField[j] = 1 + j * 0.25;

   infoStruct *infPtr;

   printf("Displaying array of infoStructs\n");
   infPtr = arr;
   for (i = 0; i < Size1; i++) {
       printf("%d,", arr[i].intField);
       printf("%s,", arr[i].strField);
       for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) {
          printf("%g,", arr[i].fptrField[j]);
   printf("Dynamically allocating array of infoStructs\n");
   infPtr = new infoStruct[Size1];  
   printf("Initializing dynamic array of infoStructs\n");
   for (i = 0; i < Size1; i++) {
       arr[i].intField  = 0;
       arr[i].strField  = "test2";
       arr[i].fptrField = new float[Size2];
       for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) 
           arr[i].fptrField[j] = 1 + j * 0.25;

   printf("Deallocating old dynamic array\n");
   delete [] infPtr;

   printf("Allocating new single infoStruct\n");
   infPtr = new infoStruct;
   infPtr->intField = 1;
   infPtr->strField = "test3";
   infPtr->fptrField = new float[Size2];
   for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) 
       infPtr->fptrField[j] = 0.1 + j;

   printf("Displaying infoStruct using ptr->field notation\n");
   printf("%d,", infPtr->intField);
   printf("%s,", infPtr->strField);
   for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) {
      printf("%g,", infPtr->fptrField[j]);
   printf("Displaying infoStruct using (*ptr).field notation\n");
   printf("%d,", (*infPtr).intField);
   printf("%s,", (*infPtr).strField);
   for (j = 0; j < Size2; j++) {
      printf("%g,", (*infPtr).fptrField[j]);
   printf("Deallocating the single infoStruct\n");
   delete infPtr;
   return 0;  


Resulting output:
Initializing array of infoStructs
Displaying array of infoStructs

Dynamically allocating array of infoStructs
Initializing dynamic array of infoStructs
Deallocating old dynamic array
Allocating new single infoStruct
Displaying infoStruct using ptr->field notation

Displaying infoStruct using (*ptr).field notation

Deallocating the single infoStruct