Practice with loops

  1. Write a program that reads an integer, N, and computes N! (e.g. for N=6 it would compute 6*5*4*3*2*1 => 720).

  2. Write a program that uses a loop to prompt the user to enter any number except 7. If they do enter 7 the program should respond with "Sneaky!" and exit, otherwise it should repeat the prompt until the user has tried 7 times, then it should say "You win!" and exit.

  3. Write a program that reads the username (3-8 lowercase alphabetic characters) and mark (0-100) for each of 50 students. As it goes, for each student it should compute and display their lettergrade (use the conversion scale from the CSCI 160 course outline). Then modify the program to keep track of the student with the highest mark and display that at the end of the program.

  4. Write a program that uses nested loops to read 5 words from the user and print each of them backwards. (Hint: use a string to hold each word. The function YOURSTRINGVARIABLENAME.length() returns the number of characters in the word, then you can use YOURSTRINGVARIABLENAME[i] to access the characters in the word one at a time.)

  5. Write a program that reads an integer, m, and prints it as the product of all its factors. E.g. if m was 36 it would print
    36 = 2*2*3*3

  6. Write a program that reads two integers, m and n, and generates all the prime numbers between them.

  7. Write a program that reads a string of characters and finds the longest palindrome within the string. (A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same forwards as backwards.) E.g. for the string "blahbobyuck" the longest palindrome is "bob".