CSCI 159 Announcements -- Gara Pruesse's sections

Course Announcements
for CSCI 159, Fall 2024
Computer Science I

Announcements relevant to CSCI 159, Fall 2024 (Gara's sections), may be emailed to the class. Such emails will arrive at the email address that is indicated at your Student Record. Announcements with lasting significance will also be posted here.

Date Material Announcement
Week 0 (Sept 2-6): Lecture slides 0.0
Lecture slides 0.1
No labs this week.
Week 1 (Sept 10-12): Lecture slides 1.1a Basic C++ Declaring Variables of Type int
Lecture slides 1.1b Basic C++ and I/O
Lecture slides 2.1b Basic C++: Types
Labs are in 315/102 this week.
Week 2 (Sept 17-19): Lecture slides 2.1 Basic C++ Functions, Character input, and If-else statements Lecture slides 2.2 lab2 info, more on linux, boolean expressions, if statements Labs are in 315/102 this week.
Week 3 (Sept 24-26): More on Functions, Scope, and Modular Design
Lab 3 extra info
iomanip setprecision; use of const
Math Functions (use with <cmath>
Labs are in 315/102 this week.
Week 4 (Oct 1-3): Introduction to recursion and while-loops. Labs are in 315/102 this week. A quiz will be conducted in the first half of the lab time.
Week 5 (Oct 8-11): More on Recursion, and arrays as parameters
The Tuesday lab (N05) is held, but the Wednesday lab is postponed to next week.
Week 6 (Oct 15-17): Pass-by-reference, Pass-by-value There is no Tuesday lab this week. There is NO CLASS on Tuesday. We meet as usual for lecture on Thursday. The Wednesday lab from last week will be held on Tuesday from noon to 2:00, and students in the lab that have a conflict should contact me gara dot pruesse at viu dot ca.
Lab4 note The README says you will see something different if you pass the array with the ampersand (pass by reference) than if you pass the array without the ampersand. This is not true. Arrays are passed by reference, even when they are static (have constant size set at compile time).
Week 7 (Oct 22-24): Functions, optional parameters and overload I/O using null-terminated arrays of characters Lab 4 is due.
QUIZ in 315/102 this week. Postponed to next week
Week 8 (Oct 29-31): Conversion between char arrays and other types
C++ string class
Intro to structs
structs cont'd Sample struct.cpp (includes structs within structs)
Labs are in 315/102 this week. Quiz 2 in lab. Some prep questions for the quiz, on the topic of recursion and loops, are here. (If you want reference to some answers, here is some code for the recursive questions. Try it yourself, first, of course!)
Week 9 (Nov 5-7): Searching and Sorting struct and file I/O (includes structs within structs) Labs are in 315/102 this week. Lab 5 is presented.
Week 10 (Nov 12-14): No classes or labs this week -- Reading week. Continue working on Lab 5.
Week 11 (Nov 19-21): AI and programming
Debugging; using gdb
Labs are in 315/102 this week. Lab 5 due. Quiz 3.
Week 12 (Nov 26-28): Linked Lists
More on Linked Lists
Labs are in 315/102 this week. lab6 was a practice exercise for the quiz, not a lab for handing in.
Week 13 (Dec 3-5): Some Review
Exam Topics (Add to these topics: Linear Search, Binary Search, Insertion Sort.)
Labs are in 315/102 this week. Quiz 4.

Course Outline and Homework and Assignments

Useful Links: Gara Pruesse's Homepage
Computing Science Homepage
Vancouver Island University Homepage