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Iterator Testing

The checksum of a list of integers is the modular arithmetic sum of the individual numbers. A single precision checksum has the same precision P as the numbers in the list.

Checksums can be applied to permutation testing by comparing the checksum of the elements in to the checksum of the elements in . If the checksums differ, then is not a permutation of . If the checksums are the same then is probably a permutation of . This conclusion is not always correct since the checksums may be the same even though is not a permutation of . This situation is called error masking and the erroneous checksum is said to be an alias of the correct checksum. The masking characteristics associated with checksums can be measured by calculating the proportion of all erroneous lists that cause error masking. This is called the aliasing probability.

Our approach to iterator testing is as follows: is constructed from at least one instance of each integer value in the range [0,P). Each element of is added to the collection class under test and the checksum for is determined. The iterator output is captured and its checksum is determined. We conclude that the iterator is fault free if

all elements in are in the range [0,P)
's checksum = 's checksum.

Figure 3 shows the test code required to test the iterator in IntegerSet using a single precision checksum.

Figure 3: IntegerSet iterator test implementation

Consider an alternative approach where each element in that is added to the class under test is also placed in a separate store. Then, as each element in is returned by the iterator, it is also removed from the store. The iterator is judged fault free if the store is empty at the end of the test. We reject this approach as too expensive; the cost of developing and maintaining the test code and the code under test would essentially be the same.

Saxena and McCluskey have analyzed the effectiveness of single precision checksums used to detect errors in the storage and transmission of data [6]. They report an aliasing probability of approximately . This result is significant since it implies that the aliasing probability is independent of the data and of the number of data errors.

The analysis performed by Saxena and McCluskey is based on the assumption that all lists that contain data errors are equally likely. This assumption is common in the analysis of testing techniques where errors are caused by flaws in hardware [1]. The validity of this assumption is questionable in the context of iterator testing when failures are caused by faulty programmer logic. There is a danger that the aliasing probability is significantly higher than .

With our approach, contains at least one instance of each integer in [0,P). Previously, we gave a list of conditions we use to determine if an iterator is fault free. The aliasing analysis need only concern itself with item 3 from this list. Within this context, data errors in occur when elements in are incorrectly duplicated in or omitted from . We assume that all elements in are equally likely to be incorrectly duplicated or omitted from an erroneous . Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that all flawed lists are equally likely resulting in an aliasing probability of at most .

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Peter Walsh
Thu Jan 18 14:37:02 PST 1996