Bash and shell quick refs

Shells are the interpretters that take your commands and translate them into a set of actions. There are many different shells available, bash happens to be the one we generally use for the csci student accounts. This page is essentially a quick list of commands available for use on our systems.

Shells in general

command interpretters
   - sh (bourne shell)
   - csh (command shell)
   - ksh (korn shell)
   - bash (bourne again shell)
   - each has own syntax and built in commands
   - chsh to change your login shell
   - shell names to start a new shell locally

shell commands vs linux executables
   - bash commands
       alias, bind, break, builtin, cd, command, continue, declare, echo, 
       enable, eval, exec, exit, export, getopts, hash, help,
       let, local, logout, printf, pwd, read, readonly, return,
       set, shift, shopt, test, times, trap, type, typeset,
       ulimit, umask, unalias, unset [ ] : .
   - linux executables
       clear, cp, ls, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, ps, top,

   - path variable
   - environment variables
        - VARNAME=VALUE;export VARNAME
   - useful environment variables
        - path
	- shell
	- man path
	- prompt
	- history

setting up your environment
   - .bash_profile (contains commands run when you login, usually have it run .bashrc)
   - .bashrc (contains commands run when you open a non-login shell, or when called by .bash_profile)
   - .bash_aliases (contains shortcuts for commands you want to run, e.g.
        alias ls='ls -aF'  # when you type ls it will actually run ls -aF

Scripting in Bash

You can put collections of shell commands together in a file, and run the command set by executing the file.

You can also use certain programming constructs as part of the file, some very abbreviated notes on the options available are shown below.

writing scripts: the first line specifies where the bash interpretter is found:
   #! /bin/bash

comments: everything to the right of a #
   # blah blah

command separators
   bash assumes one command per line, so each new line is treated as a new command
   if you want a command to span multiple lines, end the line with \
   it you want multiple commands on one line line, separate them with ;
   note that bash keywords are restricted to one per line, e.g.
      if, then, else, elif, fi, for, done, etc.
      to put more than one keyword on the same line use the ; to separate them

  - do not need to be declared, and are dynamically typed

  blah=whatever # assigns a value, no spaces around =

  use $blah to evaluate a variable (i.e. use its value), e.g.
     foo=$blah # copy value in blah to foo
     echo "blah is $blah" # print blah

  note that ${blah} also evaluates the variable value, but permits you
     to more carefully delimit the variable name, e.g.
        ${foo}blah as opposed to $fooblah

  the variable name acts like a pointer, and $ dereferences it, e.g.
     a=1                      # a is 1
     b=$a                     # b is now 1
     a=2                      # a is 2
     c=a                      # c is now (a ref to) a
     d=c                      # d is now (a ref to c)
     echo "$a"                # displays 2
     echo "$b"                # displays 1
     echo "$c"                # displays a
     echo "$[$c]"             # displays 2
     echo "$d $[$d] $[$[$d]]" # displays c a 2
weak quotes (double quotes)
  - substitutes special meanings, e.g.
     echo "$blah" # prints value of blah

strong quotes
  - uses literal string contents, e.g.
     echo '$blah' # really prints $blah

output can use echo or printf

   echo "varname is $varname"
      -n suppress newline

   special chars, require you to use echo -e "blah blah blah"
      \a bell
      \b backspace
      \t tab
      \n newline
      \\ backslash
      \xHH print hex

   # printf allows placeholders like in cstdio,
   #     but also allows the use of $varname, e.g.:
   printf "blah is $blah, foo is %d", $foo;

input is carried out with read

   read varname1 varname2 varname3
      -d DELIM  # to specify what ends a line
      -t TIMEOUT # to specify how long to wait before timing out
      -s # silent mode (don't echo to terminal)
      -p PROMPT # display prompt then read
      -e # read entire line

command redirection
   command < file   # take input from file (instead of stdin)
   command > file   # send output to file (instead of stdout)
   command 2> file  # send stderr output to file instead 
   command >> file  # append output to file (instead of stdout)
   command 2>> file # append stderr output to file instead
   command &> file  # send stdout AND stderr output to file
   command | tee file1 file2 ... filen # send command output to stdout AND all the files
   command < infile > outfile  # combination of both
   command1 | command2  # use output of command 1 as input to command 2

sending input to a command from a text string instead of user input
    can be done with the "here-string":  <<<

   command <<< "text string"

   you can capture the output of a command string using backtics, e.g.
      contents=`ls -aF .`
   equivalently, you can also capture the output using $( ), e.g.
      contents=$(ls -aF)
   you can capture the return status of a command using variable $?, e.g.
      contents=$(ls -aF)
      echo "the command output was $contents, and return value was $retval"

you can run commands on data consisting of  multiple lines of text using <<NNNN
   where NNNN is the word you want to use to mark end of input, e.g.
       wc -l <<LASTWORD
       here is a line of input
       here is another
       LASTWORD  # now it's over and the results of wc -l will be displayed

you can capture the command output by wrapping the entire thing in $(), e.g.
       result=$( wc -l <<LASTWORD
       here is a line of input
       here is another

    e.g. you can combine this with the : (no-op) operator to 
         effectively comment out a chunk of a script 
         (rather than commenting out each line with a #)

       this would be the stuff
       in the bash script I wanted commented out

arithmetic expressions and assignments:

   use $ to take value of expressions 
   i=0       # declare i and initialize to 0

   c-style math (including +=, ++, --, etc) is supported inside (( )), e.g.
      (( i = x + y / z ))
      (( j++ ))
   and you can get the value of a (( )) using $, e.g.
      x=$(( 3 + 4 / z % 10 ))

   you can also use let to evaluate math in text strings, e.g.
      let "z = z + 3"

   old school technnique:
      (very whitespace sensitive, meant to be depracated in the future)
      enclose the expression in $[ ], e.g.
      i=$[$i+1] # set i to value of ((value of i) + 1)

   arithmetic operators
      + - * / % **

   only integer arithmetic is directly supported, floating point
       can be handled by routing the formula string through bc, e.g.

   answer=$(bc <<< "$x/$y*10")

logic operators, [ ], and [[ ]]
   the square brackets [ ] are in fact an alias for the linux test command,
       which evaluates a true/false expression, e.g.
          if [ $x -lt $y ]
   the double square brackets [[ ]] are bash syntax, and support a more diverse
       range of expression syntax than the single brackets

comparison operators and data types
   integer comparisons use -lt -gt -ne -eq -ge -le, e.g.
       [ $x -le $y ]

   string comparisons use < > == !=
       [ $str1 < $str2 ]

unary tests (there are many many more than this)
   [ -z "$string" ] true if string is null (zero length)
   [ -n "$string" ] true if string is not null (non-zero length)
   [ -f "$file" ]   true if file exists and is regular file
   [ -d "$dir" ]    true if directory exists
   [ -r "$file" ]   true if file is readable
   [ -w "$file" ]   true if file is writable
   [ -x "$file" ]   true if file is executable

   if [ $x = "foo" ] ; then
   elif [ ... ] ; then

boolean operators
   not uses !
      e.g. if ! [ $x -eq $y ] ; then
   and uses && or -a
      e.g. if [ $x -eq $y -a $y -lt $z ] ; then
      e.g. if [[ $x -eq $y && $y -lt $z ]] ; then
   or  uses || or -o
      e.g. if [ $x -eq $y -o $y -lt $z ] ; then
      e.g. if [[ $x -eq $y || $y -lt $z ]] ; then

   for x in a b c ; do

   for x in $mylistvar ; do

   for (( x=1; x<10; x++ )); do

   for x in $(seq m n) ; do
   done                                 # example:
   while [ expr ] ; do                  while [ $x -lt 9 ]; do
        .......                            echo $x
   done                                    x=$[$x+1]

# iterate through command line arguments by traditional for loop
for arg in $@ ; do
    echo ${arg}

# iterate through command line args by number
for (( i=1; i<=$#; i++ )) ; do
    echo ${!i}   # !i looks up value of i
                 # then that is used for the ${argnum}

# iterate through command line arguments by shifting
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
   echo ${1}

iterating across words in a line of text
   text="blah blah blah"
   for word in $text ; do
       ... do something with $word ...
(note: don't put double quotes around $text,
 or you'll find it treats the whole line
 as a single word)

iterating across lines of text, here assuming the text is already in variable "content"
   IFS=$'\n'  # here specifying newlines mark the end of lines
   for line in $content ; do
       ... do something with $line ...

iterate through files in a directory
for file in $dirname/* ; do
    # here $file has the path/name for the file


    can be initialized using
       arr=(10 20 4 8)

    can access elements positionally,
        if the position is out of range the array is resized

    can access by variable

    can look up elements by enclosing in ${ }, e.g.

    can look up the current array size as follows

    can access all the array contents (e.g. to copy array) using

    can delete an element or the array using unset
        unset arr[$i]
        unset arr

    example of looping through the array contents
        for val in "${arr[@]}"; do
           echo "${val}"

cases (switch-like) compare a variable's value to a
   set of patterns, and execute the instructions associated
   with the first matching pattern
      case $x in
         pattern1 )
             ....  # if $x matches pattern1 do this stuff
             ;;    # ;; acts like break in a switch statement
         pattern2 )
         patternN )
         * ) 
             ....  # default case (since * matches everything)

regular expressions describe matchable patterns (e.g. for case patterns)
  [a4q]          # match any of the three characters
  [a-z]          # match lowercase a-z
  [a-zA-Z0-9]    # match an alphanumeric character
  [^a-z]         # match anything EXCEPT an a-z
  [pattern]?     # match 0 or 1 instances of the pattern
  [pattern]*     # match any number of instances of the pattern (including 0)
  [pattern]+     # match one or more instances of the pattern
  [pattern]{m}   # match exactly m instances of the pattern
  [pattern]{m,}  # match m or more instances of the pattern
  [pattern]{m,n} # match m to n instances of the pattern
  .              # match any single character
  *              # match anything (except whitespace)
  $              # match end of string
  ^              # match beginning of string

example of testing if a variable holds an integer
   re='^[0-9]+$'                  # must be 1 or more digits, nothing else
   if [[ $x =~ $re ]] ; then    # variable x matches the regex
      echo "$x is an integer"

   # example of using negation with a pattern match
   if ! [[ $x =~ $re ]] ; then    # variable x does not match the regex
      echo "$x is not an integer"

example regex for a fixed-point float (optional +/-, optional .)

example of matching everything after the last : on each line of a file
   grep -oE '[^:]+$' $Filename

example of getting a substring of length N starting at position P (0-based)

   # parameters are named $1 $2 ... etc up to $#
   #   $# returns the number of arguments passed
   #   $* returns all the arguments
   #   $@ returns all the arguments, but with each as a quoted string
   #   $0 is the function/scriptname
      # can create locals (otherwise are global)
      local x = $1
      local y = $2

      # iterate across parameters
      for arg in "$@"; do
          echo "$arg"

      # return num of params passed
      return $#

   functions can only return short (1 byte) status codes,
   but you can have them use echo to print something,
       then capture that at the call, e.g.
           x=$(foo a b c)
       or use backticks for the same idea, e.g.
           x=`foo a b  c`
   (the actual return value can be retrieved afterward from variable $?)

calling functions from the command line:

   first source the file they are in, e.g.
   anytime after that (in your current session) you can simply
     call the function, e.g.
       foo x y z

   note that if you source the file from your .bashrc
      (after making sure it is suitably debugged)
      then the command is always available to you

terminal control
   clear # clears the screen and puts the cursor top-left
   tput cup ROW COL # moves the cursor to specified row and column (0,0 is top left)
   tput bold        # turns on bold
   tput dim         # make half-bright
   tput rev         # reverse background/foreground lighting
   tput reset       # mostly resets defaults
   tput smso        # turn on reverse bold
   tput rmso        # turn off reverse bold
   tput smul        # turn on underline
   tput rmul        # turn off underline
   tput setb N      # set background colour 0-7
   tput setf N      # set foreground colour 0-7
   # 0 black, 1 blue, 2 green, 3 light blue, 4 red, 5 purple, 6 gold, 7 grey

useful variables (there are many many others)
   $USER           # the username
   $HOME           # the user's home directory
   $SECONDS        # how many seconds the script has been running
   $LINENO         # line number in the script
   $FUNCNAME       # name of the current function
   $PWD            # the current working directory
   $OLDPWD         # the previous working directory
   $PATH           # current search path for commands/executables
   $HOSTNAME       # system host name
   $HOSTTYPE       # like machine type
   $OSTYPE         # operating system type
   $MACHTYPE       # machine type (system hardware)
   $BASH_VERSION   # current version of bash in use
   $BASH           # path to the bash binary
   $PS1            # the prompt shown at the main command line
   $PS2            # secondary prompt, shown when additional input requested by command
   $$              # id of the current process
   $PPID           # id of the parent process
   debugging aid
      set -xv  # turns on command echoing and verbose mode
      set +xv  # turns off command echoing and verbose mode

      exit n

      sleep n

   testing if file exists
      if [ -f $filename] ; then

   capturing the first K lines of a text file
      head -n K Filename

   capturing the last K lines of a text file
      tail -n K Filename

   random number generation (integers)

bash guides

#! /bin/bash # example of parsing through command line arguments # ------------------------------------------------- # where two arguments, srcfile, destfile, are expected # and additional options are supported: # -v (meaning turn on verbose mode, default is off) # -m maxval (setting some max value for processing, default is 100) # where the options can appear before, between, or after srcfile destfile # start with default values for everything srcfile="" destfile="" verbose=0 max=100 # iterate through the command line arguments, # process -m, -v if encountered, # assuming remaining args are "fixed position" so put those in array fixed=() numargs=0 while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do # remove the next argument and see what it is key=$1 shift case $key in -v|--verbose) verbose=1 ;; -m|--max) # the next item should be the maxval if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then echo "error: -m must be followed by maxval" else # remove and store the maxval arg max=$1 shift fi ;; *) # anything else is assumed to be one of the positional arguments # (presumably srcfile or destfile) fixed+=("$key") ((numargs++)) ;; esac done # make sure all the required positional args are present if [ $numargs -lt 1 ] ; then echo "missing arguments srcfile and destfile" elif [ $numargs -lt 2 ] ; then echo "missing argument destfile" else # assign the positional arguments to the appropriate variables # and begin the actual processing srcfile=${fixed[0]} destfile=${fixed[1]} echo "processing ${srcfile} and ${destfile}, max is ${max}, verbose is ${verbose}" if [ ${numargs} -gt 2 ] ; then echo "warning: ignored extra args" fi fi