Game development overview

This collection of web pages is meant for a ten day (60-hour) workshop on introductory game design, covering theory, linux/pygame development labs, and an introduction to the python programming language.

The practical components are meant to give the students hands on experience in the programming aspects, and time is allocated during the workshop for the students to (individually or in teams) design and demo their own game. (Demos held the final afternoon of the workshop.)

Since we just have an hour today, we'll talk about game design briefly then dive into the introductory linux/pygame lab. You will each be able to login to the machine you're sitting at with a userid of "guest", and the passwords will be given out during the session.

If you already have some programming experience (especially if you are already familiar with python) or find the introductory lab too tame, feel free to experiment with the files and code from the workshop's final lab session, with a sample solution found in .

The workshop web pages are always available, and the pygame experiments and exercises should work in windows or mac environments as well if you have python and pygame installed at home or school.