CSCI 485: Metaprogramming - Exams Page
- This course has one midterm exam, worth 20% of your final grade,
to be held in class on Wednesday Feb. 21st.
- The final exam for the course will be worth 35% of your final grade,
and will be held Wed. April 25th from 1-4pm in Building 355 Room 108.
- The final exam mark will replace your midterm mark if higher.
- Both exams will be open notes, open book, and a mix of coding and discussion questions.
- The midterm format will be best 4 out of 5 questions, all equal weight.
- A variety of practice questions for the midterm are available here: practice questions
- The final exam format will be best 7 out of 9 questions, all equal weight.
Here is a copy of the midterm with sample solutions