This file provides a list of the token types the language needs to support. Notes on the initial version of lab4.lex ---------------------------------------- In the starter lab4.lex file, the following tokens have not yet been implemented: STRLIT, OROP, ANDOP, NOTOP, LTOP, FUNDEF, READCTRL (all but STRLIT are simple hard-coded tokens). The STRLIT token begins with a ", contains one or more non-"s, then ends with a ". Hard-coded token types ---------------------- "|" OROP "&" ANDOP "!" NOTOP "+" ADDOP "-" SUBOP "*" MULOP "/" DIVOP "=" EQOP "<" LTOP ":=" SETOP "[" OPENBR "]" CLOSEBR "IF" IFCTRL "READ" READCTRL "PRINT" PRTCTRL "VAR" VARDEF "ARRAY" ARRDEF "FUNCTION" FUNDEF "INTEGER" INTTYPE "STRING" STRTYPE "REAL" REALTYPE Regex tokens* ------------- digits.digits REALLIT digits INTLIT alphas IDENT quote non-quotes quote STRLIT * the 'regexes' shown are descriptive, not syntactically valid lex