CSCI 330 Labs page, spring 2025
There will be six equally-weighted labs for the term, with labs due roughly every two
All labs are due by midnight on the due date.
Late penalties will be 10% for submissions that are late by less than 24 hours,
20% for submissions that are late by 24-48 hours, and 40% for submissions that
are late by 48-72 hours. No submissions will be accepted for grading more
than 72 hours after the posted deadline.
Note that all deadlines shown by git are set to the end of term,
they are NOT related to the actual lab deadlines.
- Review/prep for the labs
- getting lab feedback (through git)
- once the instructor has posted it, you'll notice through "ssh csci info"
that you have a new server-side repository, e.g.
Clone this repository, and inside you'll find files with feedback
on the labs so far
Whenever the instructor pushes new feedback you can use pull in the
repo to get the latest results.
- Quizzes will be held in the lab sessions on Feb 3, Feb 24, and Mar 24.
(no labs Jan. 6th)
- lab 1 lisp, lists, recursion (Mon. Jan. 13, due on Jan. 26)
(will continue with lab 1 during the Jan. 20th labs)
- lab 2 higher order functions, let-over-lambda (Mon. Jan. 27, due on Feb. 9)
(quiz 1 is on Feb. 3rd in lab)
- lab 3 macros, lisp parsing (Mon. Feb. 10, due on Mar. 2)
(no lab Feb. 17th due to study break)
(quiz 2 is on Feb. 24th in lab)
- lab 4 syntax checking with flex/lex, bison/yacc (Mon. Mar. 3, due on Mar. 16)
(quiz 3 is on Mar. 24th in lab)
- lab 5 type handling and symbol tables (Mon. Mar. 17, due on Mar. 30)
(will continue with lab 5 during the Mar. 24th labs)
- lab 6 variadic and higher-order functions in C++ (Mon. Mar. 31, due on Apr. 11)
(working session for lab 6 and the bonus lab during the Apr. 7th labs)
- bonus lab smart pointers in C++ (due on Apr. 11)
(the bonus lab mark can be used to replace one lower lab mark)