Question 8: Macros: C and Lisp [6]

(i) Given the C macro below, show the expanded code produced by the statement x = Min4(1,2,3,4); and then show the resulting value of variable x.

#define Min4(w,x,y,z) Min(Min(w,x),Min(y,z))
#define Min(x,y) (x

(ii) Given the Lisp macro below, show the expanded code produced by the statement (creative Recursion) and then show the result of the subsequent call (Recursion "wonderful" 2).

(defmacro creative (fname)
   `(defun ,fname (text N)
           ((not (integerp N)) nil)
           ((< N 1) nil)
           (t (format t "~A is a ~A thing~%" (symbol-name (quote ,fname)) text)
              (,fname text (- N 1))))))