lisp/functional programming practice questions

The questions below represent the styles and difficulty level of likely exam questions. Obviously there are a great many specific language topics and discussion areas that aren't covered by this set of questions but that could appear on the actual exam (keyword parameters, arrays, vectors, I/O, packages, hash tables, variable lifetimes, type conversions, data type implementations and implications, etc).

Sample discussion questions

(D1) Higher order functions

(D2) Benefits of "pure" functional programming

(D3) Static vs dynamic typing

(D4) Identifiers

(D5) Macros and closure

(D6) Symbols and property lists

(D7) Macros, let

(D8) Context free grammars

(D9) Nested functions using labels

Sample lisp questions: reading/comprehending

(R1) Understanding a lisp function

(R2) Understanding lisp functions

(R3) Labels, local functions and scope

(R4) Higher order functions

(R5) Macro use

(R6) Macro expansion

(R7) Dynamic scope

(R8) Macros

(R9) Macros and gensym

Sample lisp questions: writing lisp

(W1) List membership

(W2) Property tests

(W3) Tree representations

(W4) Closure

(W5) Variable number of arguments: &rest

(W6) Interval operations

(W7) Let over lambda

(W8) Parsing lisp in lisp

(W9) Tail recursion

(W10) lambda functions

(W11) apply and mapcar

(W12) Parsing strings

(W13) Higher order functions

(W14) Regular expressions