Getting started
General use
- /usr/bin/sbcl is the lisp interpretter
- (quit) or (bye) to quit, (help) for help
- (load "filename") to load an existing file of lisp code (that doesn't start with the #!)
- (trace functionname) (untrace functionname) to turn on/off tracing
- (step (functioncall)) to single step through a function call
return to step, ? for help, q to quit
- Google code standards/style guide for common lisp
(They're quite good, but I'm really bad about following them)
To create executable scripts
- Edit and save the file (.cl is the typical extension)
- Make sure the first line is
#! /usr/bin/sbcl --script
- Make the file executable
chmod u+x filename
- ./filename to run the file
- command line arguments
Advanced data types
Code blocks
File I/O, pipes and streams
Higher order functions
Let over lambda
Altering functions "on the fly"
The code in this segment is actually for gcl lisp, it has not yet been revised for sbcl
Parsing lisp in lisp