CSCI 265 Project Phase 6: final demo, closeout, and submission

This is it! In this final phase each team gives the final demonstration of their product, turns in the final completed versions of all the documents, code, and related content, and reviews how the various project processes and approaches worked out.

Deliverables for phase 6 are divided into the following key areas*:

*The individual contribution assessments are due 48 hours after the other documentation.
Along with the final assessments I'd appreciate any overall feedback you have individually about your team, your project, and about the overall course handling of the project, and any suggestions on how the 265 projects could be run better/differently in the future.

Marks breakdown [60 marks total]

Product demo

Ideally these will be 15-20 minute live demonstrations to show off your team's final product, held either in the labs or lectures in the final week of classes (see the note below).

Show the class what your product can do, and give a brief rundown of the core features you didn't get working but would want to add if there was more time to finish things up.

Project closeout/review

This last team document ( belongs in your usual team repo documentation directory, and is intended to both summarize the final state of the product and to provide a review of what worked and what didn't work this term.

The key components I'll be looking for in the document are the following:

Final code base and readme(s)

All the final code for the product, along with all the needed supporting content/assets, should be in its final form in the appropriate branch/directory in the team repo. This includes the code/content for any team-run servers needed for the product to operate.

A clear and detailed README should be provided, giving explicit instructions on how to build the final product from the code in the repository and how to run the product.

If the product requires team-run servers then there should be a README for each server giving the instructions on how to build/configure/run the server appropriately.

(It is acceptable for the readme to direct the reader to other sources for general/background instructions on installing/running needed tools, along with sufficient specifics for the reader to build the team's product.)

Final document collection

All the core documentation produced for the project should be fixed and finalized, and available in the appropriate branch/directory in the team repo. This includes:

Assessment and marks

Be sure all team members have read the contributions assessment page, and complete and submit their assessments by 8pm Sunday Dec. 8th ( in your individual contribution repos).