Quiz 3 content/topics and preparation

Quiz 3 will focus on system design and techniques for describing, documenting, and evaluating designs.

The quiz will be a 50-minute paper-and-pencil quiz, closed book and closed notes, no electronics permitted, but you are permitted one double-sided 8.5x11" 'cheat sheet'. (This does not have to be hand-written.)

There will be two equally weighted questions, with the question topics and styles described below.

Since the questions can be somewhat open-ended, be sure not to spend more than about half your time on either question on your first pass through the quiz. (Then if you have time left at the end you can go back and continue/expand either answer as desired.)

The questions will revolve around designs for a specific fictional product. The product requirements can be found here as a markdown file or here as a pdf. I'll provide a copy of the requirements during the quiz, but you're encouraged to familiarize yourself with the product requirements ahead of time (save a bit of stress/brainpower during the quiz itself).

Typical question styles/topics are shown below.

Decomposition, cohesion/coupling, and data flow diagrams (DFDs)
Be sure you've studied the ideas behind how to decompose a system into smaller subsystems, how to model your decomposition using data flow diagrams, and how to evaluate/compare decompositions based on cohesion and coupling.
Likely question styles include:

Data design and entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs)
Be sure you understand the purpose and structure of a basic entity-relationship diagram, and can read/create simple ERDs.
Likely question styles include:

Modeling action sequences (sequence diagrams and pseudo-code)
Be sure you understand the purpose and structure of a sequence diagram and can read/create simple sequence diagrams. Think about the relative advantages and disadvantages of providing sequence information via such a diagram as compared to using something like pseudo-code for an algorithm to describe the sequence.
Likely question styles include:
  • Provide a sequence diagram modeling the following use case in the system under study and provide a brief explanation of/justification for your diagram.
  • Below is a sequence diagram and short description of a possible flow of events for a specific use case in the system under study. Revise the ERD to meet the following requirements change and briefly explain and justify your revisions.