Bonus quiz specifications: CSCI 265 Fall 2024

The bonus quiz takes the form of a bash scripting exercise, obtained and submitted following our standard 'git submit' cycle.

To obtain credit, the bonus quiz must be completed and submitted (following the processed specified) by 5pm on Saturday December 7th. As it is a bonus, the deadline for the quiz is a hard deadline: no extensions, no exceptions.

Getting and submitting the quiz:

The quiz is obtained and submitted following our typical git submit cycle, using the reponame bonusquiz Obtaining the quiz: Submitting the quiz:

Bash script specifications:

The primary objective for the quiz is to implement the Bash script described below, ensuring it is in the '' file in the top level of your repo, that the file is executable, and that it has included the /bin/bash specifier at the top of the script.

The script itself is intended to output (to standard output) a markdown table built from the contents of a collection of .md files in a directory provided to the script as a command line argument. More specifically:

Testing requirements:

To show that you have made a reasonable effort testing the correctness of your script, the "testing" subdirectory of the repo must contain 6-8 subdirectories, each used as a suitable test case for your script.

The README in the testing subdirectory is to be modified to include a short description of the nature/purpose of each of the test cases.

Note: typically some of the test cases would involve creating test directories and/or files that are not readable. In this particular case that isn't practical, as git won't be able to submit an unreadable file or directory.