CSCI 162 Lab 2: Digital logic
In the lab of week 4 (Jan. 30) we'll introduce the logisim tool and work through
the beginner's tutorial, then in the lab of week 5 (Feb. 6) we'll study the
combinatorial analysis portion of the tool (which will allow you to check your
written answers for the lab).
The lab exercise is due at 5pm on Friday February 15th.
Reference material:
Quickstart for logisim on our systems:
- It can be found in the lab under Applications->Education->Logisim
- Drag and drop gates from the menu on the left (see the Gates option to get
a full list)
- Drag and drop input/output pins from the toolbar on the left. Input pins are
the square box containing a green circle, output pins are a circle
containing a smaller green circle.
- Click and drag to connect wires between pins and gates
- Toggle input values with the "pointing finger" symbol from the toolbar on the left
- Change pin labels and change pin/gate orientation (north, east etc) by right clicking on the item
then selecting "Show Attributes". An edit menu shows up in the lower left.
- Analyze your circuits by selecting Project->Analyze circuit from the menu on the left,
then click on the tables for the truth table, expression, and minimized expression logisim
calculates for the circuit you have built.
- Save your circuit for submission by selecting "Save as" from the file menu,
then browsing to your csci162/lab2 directory and saving it as "lab2.circ"
Lab exercises:
Obtain the lab 2 repository using the same techniques as lab 1, i.e.
cd csci162
ssh csci fork csci162/lab2 csci162/$USER/lab2
git clone csci:csci162/$USER/lab2
cd lab2
The remaining instructions for lab 2 are in the README file.
Lab exercises:
Once you have completed all parts of the lab, be sure to add, commit, and push your
git add .
git commit -m "finish lab2"
git push
REMEMBER: if you miss the add, the commit, or the push then your changes
never make it back to the central repository, so they'll never get marked!