Sample solutions
lab2.cpp (and test script
and test files)
lab3.cpp ,
main.cpp (shows both mergesort and quicksort solutions)
lab4: dllist.cpp , and
lab5: bstree.cpp
Getting lab feedback:
As with the labs themselves, your feedback will be supplied through
a git repository, but this one you don't have to fork, and only have to clone once:
- One time only: issue the following commands to get your
initial feedback repository
cd csci161
git clone csci:csci161/$USER/feedback
- Each time you want to check for your latest feedback, go to
your feedback directory and use a "pull" command to get updates:
cd feedback (assuming you were in your csci161 directory)
git pull
- You can then use "ls" to see which feedback files I've added. To start with, there is just one called "lab1".
- Use any editor you like to read the feedback in the file, please
ask if you have any questions about the marking.