CSCI 160 Lab exercise 1: tips and tools

In the second lab session for lab 1, we want to cover several topics (in addition to continued help with developing a solution to part 2 of the lab.

Jumping to other CSCI servers

Having everyone in CSCI 160 log into and work there causes a significant bottleneck: everyone is sharing the same machine, so gets reduced performance.
(The server's full name is, generally referred to as otter.)

We have 18 other servers you can move to from otter, named pup1 through pup18, e.g.,, etc.

From otter you can jump to a pup using ssh, e.g.
ssh pup14

I strongly recommend that each time you ssh to you immediately ssh to a random choice of one of the pups. This spreads our students across 18 machines instead of 1, and will give everyone better response times/performance.

Getting lab feedback

I'll post a unique directory for each student that contains their feedback on lab exercises, and will regularly update those as the term progresses. (It currently contains feedback on your submission of the labex0 exercise and possible bonus mark.)

To set up initial access to this, run the following two commands (based on which lab section you were originally enrolled in or waitlisted in):
Monday lab
git clone csci:csci160-01/$USER/feedback csci160/feedback

Friday lab
git clone csci:csci160-02/$USER/feedback csci160/feedback

Any time during the term that you want to check for updated feedback use the following command sequence:
cd csci160/feedback
git pull
The "git pull" checks for updates and copies them to your directory, where they will be stored in files named after the lab exercise, e.g. labex0, labex1, labex2, etc.

You can look at these files with any text editor to see the feedback I've given on the lab.


So far we have simply used typed linux commands within a powershell window.

We can actually use another program, X2Go, on the Windows machines that allows us to open a graphical connection to the csci linux servers.

We'll give a condensed "how to" below, but a more detailed discussion can be found at

Steps (in the Windows lab)