CSCI 160 Computer Science I Quizzes and Exams


There will be five quizzes, each worth 6% of the final grade.

Quizzes are open notes and open book. For quizzes held in lab, the student is permitted to use the relevant compilation tools to experiment with code segments.

Some of the quizzes will be held in course lecture times/locations, while others will be held in the course lab times/locations. For quizzes held in labs you must attend your registered lab section.

Quizzes held in lecture will be hand-written, while quizzes held in lab will be conducted using VIULearn's quiz tools while the student is in attendance at their registered lab section. (Exception: students who are required to self-isolate during a period covering a quiz will be permitted to write the quiz from home using VIULearn.)

Missed quizzes: the student's final exam mark will be used to substitute for any missed quizzes.

Final exam replacing quizzes: where the student's final exam mark is better than a quiz mark, the quiz mark will be replaced by the final exam mark. (This can apply to multiple quizzes.)

Individual work: as with all work in this course, quizzes and exams must be strictly individual efforts. The student is not permitted to seek or accept assistance from other individuals in completing any portion of the quiz. Similarly, students are not permitted to provide assistance to other students in completing any portion of the quiz/exam. Note that VIU policies consider both parties to be committing academic misconduct in such situations, and both parties may incur the resuling penalties.

QuizSection N01 (Monday)Section N02 (Friday)
Quiz 1 In lecture, Sept 17th
Quiz 2 Sept 27, in lab Oct 1, in lab
quiz dates revised for Qz3/4/5
Quiz 3 Oct 18, in lab Oct 15, in lab
Quiz 4 Nov 1, in lab Oct 29, in lab
Quiz 5 Nov 22, in lab Nov 19, in lab

Final exam

The final exam will be worth 30% of your total grade and will be held during the scheduled VIU exam period
(Edit: this term it's Thurs Dec 16th, 1-4pm in the gym)

You must pass the final exam to pass the course.

For the final exam, please also see the VIU rules for exams held in the gym.

The exam must be written at the time/location specified. Exceptions will only be made for officially documented illnesses or emergencies, in which case the student is expected to contact their instructor as soon as they are able return to university and arrange for a make-up exam to be taken as soon as possible. Note that the make-up exam will NOT be the same exam given to the rest of the class.

The final exam is closed notes, closed book, no dictionaries, calculators or electronics permitted. The use of earplugs/protection is permitted, but the use of headphones/headsets (with or without connected devices) is not. A copy of this C++ quick-reference sheet will be provided along with the exams.

The final exam will consist of a variety of question forms, generally chosen from formats similar to:

A review session will be held prior to the final exam, and the material covered will consist of course all material up to and including the review session, including all lectures, lab exercises, quizzes, project, etc.

You will be expected to understand, debug, and write logically and syntactically correct C++ programs or code segments using the language features discussed in labs and lectures to that point.

The best way to prepare is to hone your fluency in C++, i.e. by doing the labs and assignment and writing lots of small practice programs.


Note that the material covered and order of topics varies from year to year, in some years only one midterm was held instead of two.

Old midterms (with solutions)
2018 midterm 1, 2018 midterm 2
2017 midterm 1, 2017 midterm 2
2016 midterm 1, 2016 midterm 2
2015 midterm 1, 2015 midterm 2

Old final exams
2018 final (with solutions)
2017 final (with solutions)
2016 final (and sample solutions )
2015 final (and sample solutions )