CSCI 159 Lab 6 exercises

Lab 6 is almost a two-week lab: it is due by 8pm Friday Dec. 6th

There are again two halves, a warm-up exercise working with structs and arrays of structs (warm-up exercise done in basic.cpp) and a design/implementation exercise (done in lab6.cpp):

Here is the collection of new C++ syntax elements we'll be using for lab6.

Follow our usual setup process

  1. Log in, open a browser, go to the lab6 page, open a terminal window:
    (see lab 2 if you need a refresher on any of the steps)

  2. get lab 6:
    make -f make159 csci159/lab6

  3. Go into your lab6 directory and begin the edit/compile/test/submit routine: As with previous labs, you'll see that the two .cpp files are nearly empty to start with.

First half: structs and arrays of structs (to be done in basic.cpp)

This program is going to allow the user to provide information for up to twenty circles and then it will display all pairs of circles that overlap (handy for collision detection when doing games or simulations).

For each circle they'll provide its radius and the x,y coordinates of its centre.

We'll use a struct to define a new 'Circle' datatype (with fields for x, y, and the radius) and the main routine will maintain an array of these circles to hold the actual data.

We'll use a suite of functions:

Basic structure

Our usual first steps will be to set up the #includes (for iostream, string, and cmath), any 'using std::whatevers', constants (including one for the maximum number of circles the program can handle), and function prototypes, but now we also need to put our struct type definition above the prototypes.

// specify the  maximum number of circles the program is capable of handling
const int MaxCircles = 20;

struct Circle {
   double x,y;  // (x,y) coords for the centre of the circle
   double rad;  // radius of the circle (must be > 0)

// get the desired number of circles from the user, 1..max
int getNumCircs(int max);

// get a real number from the user, optionally restricted to positive numbers only
double getNumber(string promptInfo, bool mustBePositive = false);

// fill all the fields of the circle struct (uses getNum for each)
void fill(Circle& c);

// fill all the circles (using the fill function)
void fillAll(Circle circs[], int num);

// see if two circles overlap
bool overlap(Circle c1, Circle c2);

// print one circle's information as (x,y:r)
void print(Circle c);

// print a list of all overlapping circles
void printOverlaps(Circle circs[], int numCircs);

The main routine can be kept fairly simple, doing just the variable declarations and calls to the core functions:

int main()
   // array of maximum number of circles
   Circle circles[MaxCircles];

   // find out how many the user actually wants
   int numberCircles = getNumCircs(MaxCircles);

   // fill the circles
   fillAll(circles, numberCircles);

   // display all the overlaps
   printOverlaps(circles, numberCircles);

In the remaining sections we'll cover the implementations of the functions themselves.

Numeric I/O and error handling

I'm certain you can all handle creating basic numeric input/error checking functions by now, so below I've provided sample versions. You are welcome to use your own, but the data values you get from the user must be in the same order as shown below: no extra questions, no changes in order. (First the number of circles, then for each circle its x coord then its y coord then its radius).

We'll use one function to get the number of circles from the user, between 1 and whatever maximum limit main decided to pass. (In this case main will pass our max constant, but having the value as a parameter will make the function more flexible/reusable.)

We'll use a second function to get numbers from the user, with an optional parameter specifying the number must be greater than zero (so we can use the same getNumber function for the radius as well as the x/y coordinates). This function also includes a string parameter that allows some customization of the prompt for the user.

Both of our functions will repeat until valid values are provided. (They repeat recursively here, feel free to use a loop if you prefer.)

// get the desired number of circles from the user, 1..max
int getNumCircs(int max)
   // get the number of circles from the user
   int numCs;
   cout << "Please enter the desired number of circles, 1.." << max << ": ";
   cin >> numCs;

   // error check and recurse if needed
   if ( {
      cin.ignore(LineLen, '\n');
      cerr << "The value must be an integer, please try again" << endl;
      numCs = getNumCircs(max);
   } else if ((numCs < 1) || (numCs > max)) {
      cerr << "The value must be in the range 1.. " << max << ", please try again" << endl;
      numCs = getNumCircs(max);

   // return the validated result
   return numCs;

// get a real number from the user, optionally restricted to positive numbers only
double getNumber(string promptInfo, bool mustBePositive)
   // prompt the user, adjusting for the must-be-positive restriction if needed
   cout << "Please enter a number";
   if (mustBePositive) {
      cout << " greater than zero";
   cout << " for the " << promptInfo << ": ";

   // get the user's input
   double num;
   cin >> num;

   // error check and recurse if needed
   if ( {
      cin.ignore(LineLen, '\n');
      cerr << "The value must be a number, please try again" << endl;
      num = getNumber(promptInfo, mustBePositive);
   } else if (mustBePositive && (num <= 0)) {
      cerr << "The value must be greater than 0, please try again" << endl;
      num = getNumber(promptInfo, mustBePositive);

   // return the validated result
   return num;

Filling the circles

We'll use one function to fill in each field of a single circle (calling our getNumber from above), and a second function that fills in the entire array (calling the simpler function once on each element).

Since we've written the getNumber function, our basic fill function is very simple:

// fill all the fields of the circle struct (uses getNum for each)
void fill(Circle& c)
   c.x = getNumber("x coord");
   c.y = getNumber("y coord");
   c.rad = getNumber("radius", true);

The fillAll is also pretty straight-forward, simply loop through the array of circles one element at a time and call fill on each of them:

// fill all the circles (using the fill function)
void fillAll(Circle circs[], int num)
   // for each of positions 0 through num-1,
   //     call fill on circs[c]

Detecting the overlaps

We can detect if two circles overlap by computing how far apart their centres are then determining if this is greater than their combined radii.

We'll have one function to check a pair of circles to see if they overlap, and call this on each possible pair of circles.

I've provided the print and overlap functions, but left the printOverlaps as a commented exercise.

// see if two circles overlap
bool overlap(Circle c1, Circle c2)
   // calculate the distance between the two centres
   double xdist = c1.x - c2.x;
   double ydist = c1.y - c2.y;
   double distance = sqrt(xdist*xdist + ydist*ydist);

   // if the distance is more than the combined radii then they do not overlap
   if (distance > (c1.rad + c2.rad)) {
      return false;

   // otherwise they overlap (or at least touch)
   return true;

// print one circle's information as (x,y:r)
void print(Circle c)
   cout << "(" << c.x << "," << c.y << ":" << c.rad << ")";

// print a list of all overlapping circles
void printOverlaps(Circle circs[], int numCircs)
   // we'll need a variable to track how many overlaps we've detected, initialized to 0

   // we'll use nested for loops that compares each circle with every circle later in the list
   //    (to avoid printing overlapping pairs twice)
   // for c1 is 0 to numCircs-2
   //     for c2 is c1+1 to numCircs-1
   //         call overlap on circs[c1] and circs[c2], and if it
   //            says they overlap then print the two of them
   //            (and increment our overlap counter)

A sample run

Below we show a sample run with three circles (a unit circle at the origin and two that overlap it).

Please enter the desired number of circles, 1..20: 3 

Now filling circle number 0 
Please enter a number for the x coord: 1 
Please enter a number for the y coord: 1 
Please enter a number greater than zero for the radius: 1 

Now filling circle number 1 
Please enter a number for the x coord: -1.5 
Please enter a number for the y coord: 0.99 
Please enter a number greater than zero for the radius: 0.85 

Now filling circle number 2 
Please enter a number for the x coord: 0 
Please enter a number for the y coord: 0.1 
Please enter a number greater than zero for the radius: 0.99 
Detecting overlapping circles... 
Overlapping pair: (1,1:1) and (0,0.1:0.99) 
Overlapping pair: (-1.5,0.99:0.85) and (0,0.1:0.99) 
Number of overlaps detected: 2 

Second half: design and implementation problem (to be done in lab6.cpp)

Way back in lab 1 we started a bunny-sighting program. We're going to revisit that now that we've got the ability to encapsulate all the information about a single sighting into a struct, and the ability to store multiple sightings in an array.

The objective is for your program to allow the user to enter information on up to fifty bunny sightings, and then get a number of reports on the sightings.

The user is first asked how many sightings they wish to enter (capped at a max of 50, error checking and repeating until a valid value is provided).

For each sighting, the program must ask the user for the following:

As an implementation requirement, the program must use a BunnySighting struct defining the information stored for single sightings and must store the collection of sightings as an array of BunnySightings.

Once all the values have been entered and stored the program should allow the user to ask what kind of report they wish:
  1. print all sightings in the order they were entered by the user
  2. print all sightings sorted by bunny size (smallest to largest)
  3. print all sightings sorted by date (earliest to latest)

The program should then display the sighting information in the order selected by the user.

A sample run of the program is shown below (with the user input shown in bold italics just for clarity).

Welcome to the BunnySighting program!

You'll be asked to enter information about your recent bunny sightings,
   giving the date, bunny colour, and bunny size for each.

First, how many sightings do you wish to enter (1-50)?

For sighting 1:
a) please enter the year of the sighting (2000-2050): 2024
b) please enter the month of the sighting (1-12): 10
c) please enter the day of the sighting (1-31): 21
d) please enter the bunny colour as a single word (e.g. brown): white
e) please enter the estimated bunny size in kilograms (e.g. 1.2): 1

For sighting 2:
a) please enter the year of the sighting (2000-2050): 2023
b) please enter the month of the sighting (1-12): 4
c) please enter the day of the sighting (1-31): 1
d) please enter the bunny colour as a single word (e.g. brown): green
e) please enter the estimated bunny size in kilograms (e.g. 1.2): 56

For sighting 3:
a) please enter the year of the sighting (2000-2050): 2024
b) please enter the month of the sighting (1-12): 8
c) please enter the day of the sighting (1-31): 3
d) please enter the bunny colour as a single word (e.g. brown): grey
e) please enter the estimated bunny size in kilograms (e.g. 1.2): 2

For sighting 4:
a) please enter the year of the sighting (2000-2050): 2024
b) please enter the month of the sighting (1-12): 6
c) please enter the day of the sighting (1-31): 12
d) please enter the bunny colour as a single word (e.g. brown): black
e) please enter the estimated bunny size in kilograms (e.g. 1.2): 0.5

Please select the type of report you wish:
1) print in order entered
2) print sorted by bunny size (small to large)
3) print sorted by date of sighting (earliest to latest)
Your choice: 3

The sightings sorted by date were:
2023/4/1: green bunny, 56kg
2024/6/12: black bunny, 0.5kg
2024/8/3: grey bunny, 2kg
2024/10/12: white bunny, 1kg

Marking and standards

As this is the final lab of the semester, you're expected to strictly follow code standards, do appropriate error checking and handling, and to carefully plan your design.

Up to 30% of the overall mark can be deducted for poor design and poor code quality.

Some tips on the sorting
// for the sorting, my sort function takes three parameters:
//     the array, the number of bunnies, and the type of sorting desired
// if the sorting type is the original order it just returns (no sorting needed)
// otherwise it does a regular bubblesort, but when comparing elements
//    it has to pick which fields to compare
// comparing two bunnies for size is easy enough but comparing dates is a bit of a pain,
//    so I created an inDateOrder(x,y) function to compare two bunnies
//       and return true if their order is ok, false otherwise
// the inDateOrder works as follows:
//    it compares their years first,
//       if x is smaller it returns true, if y is smaller it returns false
//       if they're equal we go on to compare the months
//          if x is smaller it returns true, if y is smaller it returns false
//          if they're equal we go on to compare the days
//             if x is smaller or equal it returns true, otherwise it returns false

// to simplify the swapping of struct elements in the array
//    I used a copy(x,y) function that copies each field of y to the matching field in x

// my swap function takes two bunny sightings (passed by ref)
//    declares an 'oldx' bunny sighting then, using the copy function,
//    copies x into old x,
//    copies y into x,
//    copies oldx into y