To introduce basic principles of digital logic design, its implementation and applications
Overall, this course is intended for anyone who wants to understand how to design and build digital circuits.
Verilog for Digital Design (Wiley) Frank Vahid and Roman Lysecky
Fall 2022
Max of 10 Lab exercises/assignments 32%
Lab Attendance and participation (Viva) 5%
One final lab Quiz (Dec 9) 8%
Midterm Exam (Oct 24) 20%
Final Exam (date TBD) 35%
You MUST receive a passing mark (>= 50%) on all components of the course in order to pass the course (components are listed in the Evaluation section).
Choose one or all
Digital Design 3rd ed. (Prentice Hall), M. Morris Mano
Principles of Digital Design (Prentice Hall), Gajski
Introduction to Logic and Computer Design (McGraw/Hill), Marcovitz