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Using The SimVHDL Environment

The SimVHDL Environment (SVE) is a user interface that allows you to control and observe the execution of your compiled programs. SVE provides the same type of capabilities you would obtain with a simulator. The most important of these capabilities includes being able to schedule events and observe the values of signals throughout execution. With SVE, you will be able to observe the values of signals and variables within entities, blocks and processes, as well as save them to a trace file. You may also apply waveforms to port signals of the top level entity of mode in or inout. SVE also gives you control over execution, by allowing you to run the program for small intervals of time. This allows you to step through the execution of the program. Some of these controls may also be placed in an environment configuration file. The following sections describe the user interface provided by SVE and how to write configuration files.

Start the SimVHDL Environment with the following command


The following sections describe how to use SVE in detail.

The SimVHDL User Interface
Writing Configuration and Waveform Files
Using SV