Monthly Activity Report of 2023 # OF New # of Posted Month Users Messages ----- ----------- ------------ Jan 13 382 Feb 22 526 Mar 15 448 Apr 0 716 May 15 501 Jun 27 883 Jul 0 1002 Aug 5 727 Sep 19 207 Oct 12 368 Nov 19 712 Dec 18 629 =========================================== Summary Report of 2023 Top Three Most Active Users username nickname # of posts -------- -------- ----------- hijkstra what ever 237 abstract do not care 215 madeupnm made up name 215 Top Three Most Active Channels channel name creator # of posts ------------ ------- ---------- Assignments hijkstra 1723 Job Search cieloffice 1655 Courses viuadmin 1638 ====== END OF REPORT ======