CSCI 355 --- Fall 2023

Lab 7

This lab has deliverables to be submitted and marked.

Due date: noon, 14 November 2023, Tuesday

Problem Description:

Design and implement a gated SR Latch with positive enable and negative asynchronous preset and clear using NAND gates, and observe its behaviour characteristics.

The characteristic table for the required device is shown below:
preset clear enable S (set) R (reset) Next State Q+ Notes
0 0 x x x x Invalid
0 1 0 x x 1 asynchronous set
1 0 0 x x 0 asynchronous reset
1 1 0 x x Q hold (input inactive)
1 1 1 0 0 Q hold
1 1 1 0 1 0 synchorous reset
1 1 1 1 0 1 synchorous set
1 1 1 1 1 x invalid

Pre-lab Preparation:

  1. Design this device using 2-input and 3-input NAND gates.
  2. Draw the logic schematic. (Deliverable: logic schematic.)
  3. For each chip used in your circuit to realize the logic schematic developed in the previous step, provide a complete pin-out table. (Deliverable: complete pin-out tables for each chip used in your circuit.)

In-Lab Tasks:

  1. Present your pre-lab preparation to the instructor;
  2. If your preparation is approved, wire your circuit based on your pin-out sheets;
  3. Test your circuit thoroughly and record the observed behaviour of your circuit. (Deliverable: for each test case, report its input, its expected outputs and observed outputs.)
  4. Demonstrate your circuit to your instructor if it has the correct behaviour and sign off each task.

(Optionally) take pictures of your circuits and integrate the pictures in your lab report.

The pre-lab preparation and the in-lab tasks can and should be done by a group of up to 2 students.

What to submit (Deliverables):

Lab report (a text or PDF file) that includes all the deliverables except the physically wired circuits, and any accompanying files.

Please clearly identify your tables, diagrams and pictures with meaningful titles in your lab report.

How to submit:

You have two ways to submit:

Submit your lab report (.txt, or .pdf) and pictures (.png files) if any on any of the cub machines using the following script:
~liuh/bin/submit 355 Lab7 .

Alternatively, upload your report (and picture if any) to VIU Learn, under CSCI 355's assessment/assignment/Lab 7 tab.

Last updated: October 31, 2023