Implement a capacity limited singly linked list using array as its concrete data structure.
The interface of such a singly linked list that stores double numbers is shown below:
class LinkedList { public: // constructor LinkedList(int capacity); // ignore duplicates, returns false if list already full; bool insert(double newData); // return the index of the array cell that contains parameter data // or return -1 if data doesn't exist in the list int find(double data); // return false if oldData doesn't exist in the list // or if the list already full bool insertAfter(double oldData, double newData); // return false if data doesn't exist in the list bool remove(double data); // for testing purposes, display all data in the list void traverse(); // destructor ~LinkedList(); private: struct Cell { double data; // data part of the linked list node int next; // link part of the linked list node }; // suggested data fields int capacity; int size; // optional Cell *DataPile; int freeListHead; int listHead; // any other data fields that could be useful };
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