Applications Programming --- Lab 6



Problem Description

Re-do Assignment 5 by using userform as the computer-user interface to collect user input data.

Your Tasks:

  1. Download the Lab 6's template workbook file: lab6-input.xlsx that is the same as the Assignment 5's input file.
  2. Open the template file you just downloaded and design and implement a VBA userform interface to collect the following user information:
  3. There should be a command button with the caption "Calculate" in your userform. When this command button is clicked, it means that the user has entered all the relevant information and want your program to calculate the tuition and fees the user should pay. Write an event-driven VBA program to calculate the tuitions and fees based on the information entered by the user, display the result using either a message box or a label, then write input data and calculated result to the Excel worksheet.
  4. Save your work to a macro-enabled Excel workbook.

There is a weekly Assignment 6 following this lab.