Lab 08: November 6, 2018


Today's lab is to render a simple curve.


No code is provided this lab.

Your task is to define 3 points: P0, P1, and P2. You will draw line segments that form the quadratic Bezier curve from P0 --> P1 --> P2.

Using lerp(t, PX, PY) = t*PX + (1.0-t)*PY; (pseudocode), you will find the resulting points formed by: lerp(t, lerp(t, P0, P1), lerp(t, P1, P2)) and create a sequence of lines between them.

Note: Try incrementing t by 0.1 at first.
Note: Try making every other line segment a differet colour. This will help you see where the line segments are better.
Note: The other calculation forms of lerp might be easier.