string.h strlen() : Computes the length of a cstring strcpy() : Copies one cstring into another cstring strncpy() : Copies n characters from one cstring into another cstring strcat() : Concatenates one cstring with another strncat() : Concatenates n characters from one cstring with another cstring strcmp() : Compares two cstrings strncmp() : Compares n characters in two cstrings strchr() : Computes the position of a character in a string strspn() : Computes the length of the portion of a cstring that is composed of the characters from a second cstring strcspn() : Computes the length of the portion of a cstring that is not composed of any character from a second cstring strdup() : Allocates necessary memory and duplicates a cstring into newly allocated memory strtok() : Breaks a cstring into tokens based on given delimiter characters in another cstring strsep() : Breaks a cstring into tokens like strtok(). memset() : Sets the value of all characters in a cstring memcpy() : Copies the bytes from one area of memory into another non-overlapping area of memory memmove() : Copies the bytes from one area of memory into another area of memory (two areas can overlap with each other) stdlib.h exit() : Terminates a process malloc() : Allocates memory dynamically calloc() : Allocates memory dynamically free() : Releases dynamically allocated memory atoi() : Converts a cstring into an integer strtol() : Converts a cstring into a long integer strtoul() : Converts a cstring into an unsigned long integer strtoll() : Converts a cstring into a long long integer strtof() : Converts a cstring int a float strtod() : Converts a cstring into a double. srandom() : Sets the seeds of random number generator. random() : Generates a random number. stdio.h printf() : Prints a formatted output onto the screen sprintf() : Prints a formatted output into a cstring buffer. fopen() : Opens a file stream to read or write. Returns a FILE pointer. fclose() : Closes an open file stream. fprintf() : Prints a formatted output into a file stream specified by a FILE pointer. fgets() : Gets cstring from a file stream. fread() : Reads a block of bytes from a file stream. fwrite() : Writes a block of bytes into a file stream. fseek() : Sets the read or write position of an open file stream. fflush() : Flushes write file stream data from memory onto the disk. Depending on the implementation, it also clears read file stream memory. getline() : Gets an entire line delimited with a new line character from a file stream specified by a FILE pointer. getdelim() : Gets an entire line delimited by given delimiter character from a file stream specified by a FILE pointer. dprintf() : Prints a formatted output into a file or a socket stream specified by a file descriptor