Textbooks and References
Description | Weight |
Assignments | 25 % |
Midterm Test | 25 % |
Final Exam | 50 % |
Please note:
Final percentages will be converted to letter grades using the VIU grade scale:
Final Percent | Grade |
≥ 80 | A- |
≥ 68 | B- |
≥ 55 | C- |
Examination Dates
Description | Date |
Midterm Test | February 22 or March 8 |
Final Exam | Exam "week" |
Note: No student will be allowed to write an exam early.
Topics (Subject to small changes as the semester progresses):
Topic |
The Object-Oriented Paradigm |
Java Basics |
Object-oriented Programming Basics: instantiation, overloading, visibility, polymorphism, abstract classes |
Object-oriented Analysis and Design |
Basic UML: class diagrams, sequence diagrams, use cases |
Object Cloning and Equality |
GRASP Principles |
Introduction to Swing |
Object-oriented Design Patterns: Observer, Strategy, Decorator, Composite, and Factory |