CSc 331 - Spring 2018
Lab Exercise #5


Additional Information / Guidelines

Coding Suggestions

Exercise 1:

Your task is to design and code this "shopping cart" prototype. Note that (for now) this prototype does not check the validity of input values. For example, it does not check for invalid pid's, invalid cart id's, etc.

Needless to say?? this version should be coded in the distributed "style" discussed in class.

Catalog: The Catalog for the OnlineStore contains a Map of the available Products. Here the key is the 3-digit product id.

OnlineStore: This class is intended to accept commands from some user interface - a web or some other GUI. It will be able to create and remove Carts from its Map of ShoppingCart's. Carts are identified by an int id number. The first cart created will be cart #1, the next will be cart #2, etc.
It should also have methods to