Computer Science 159
Computer Science I
Course Materials for Fall 2024
Dr. Gara Pruesse
Bldg 315, Room 218
(250) 753-3245 Local 2337
Gara.Pruesse [at] viu [dot] ca
There are no required texts for the course. There are online books and resources that can be helpful for learning C++:
Resources for makefiles and make:
A makefile tutorial
Resources for ssh and C++:
Dave's advice about ssh-ing into the CSCI machines and programming
Dave's technotes for accessing CSCI machines from home
Resources for the course material:
Almost any C++ introductory textbook
Dave Wessels slides and notes for the same course
Resources for code standards at VIU:
Coding standards for 159
Resources for g++:
Cheat Sheet about g++ and what the flags mean