CSCI 159 Structs and Pointers Lab (Prep for Quiz 3)
CSCI 159: Fall 2024 Lab 6.5 (Lab 6 and 1/2 for Section 5)
Struct and Pointers (Prep for Marksbooster quiz)
In a directory of your making (it could be a lab6 directory
in csci159dev),
copy ~gpruesse/159/groc.cpp into that directory.
Amend the program
so that it gets from the user grocery items and the
number of such items to be recorded on the
grocery list.
Notes from class may be useful.
The grocery list can be maintained in
unsorted order.
Amend the program so that all inserts are done
not necessarily at the head -- rather, assume the
list is sorted, and ensure the item
is inserted into the correct spot in the list in
sorted order, alphabetically by
the item. Strings can be compared by
using the <, > <=,&>;= comparitors