CSCI 159 Design, const, and iomanip lab

CSCI 159: Fall 2024 Lab 3

(Due Oct 1 (NO5) or 2 (NO6) at the beginning of lab)

  1. While you are in your top directory, type the following command onto the command line and hit return:
    	make -f make159 csci159/lab3 
    This makefile will create a new subdirectory "lab3" and it will populate that directory with some files that your instructor has provided. cd into csci159/lab3 directory. Do an "ls". Read the README. The new makefile is ready for you to use.

  2. Edit a new file, called "lab3.cpp". Alternatively, you can copy the README into lab3.cpp, and edit lab3.cpp

  3. Write the program as instructed in the README. Comments and design will be important in the grade for this lab, as will layout.

  4. When you are done, execute the following command to compile:
    	make lab3
  5. Now do the following:
    	make clean
    This cleans up your directory of old executables. "ls" to see what remains.

  6. When the lab is ready to submit, execute the following command:
    	make submit
    If successful, you will see a variety of updates. The git version control program is copying your updated directory contents to a location where the instructor can view and mark it. There is a deadline programmed into git, so if you try to submit after the deadline, it won't let you. Up until that deadline, you can submit and it will keep track of the most recent version, which is the one your instructor will look at.

Useful Links: Gara Pruesse's Homepage
Computing Science Homepage
Vancouver Island University Homepage