CSCI 160 X2Go Instructions

Fall 2021

X2Go instructions in the 356/340 lab
Configuring a X2go Remote Session

  1. Once installed, run the x2go.
  2. Click on Session and New Session.
  3. Type a session name, for example, pup13 to have a session with machine in the lab.
  4. Type host name in Host box, for example for pup13. Hosts available for you (first year) in CSCI Labs are pup1 - pup18. For getting better performance from the lab machines it is advised that each student picks a different lab machine and sticks with that machine unless there is an issue.
  5. Type your lab userid in Login box.
  6. Leave SSH port 22
  7. Check on Use Proxy server for SSH connection.
  8. Leave Proxy server Type SSH.
  9. Check on Same login as on X2GO Server
  10. Check on Same password as on X2GO Server
  11. Type Proxy Server Host Please, remember this Proxy Server Host is fixed for CSCI labs.
  12. Leave Proxy Server Port 22.
  13. Choose Session type MATE from the drop down but leave Run in X2GKDrive unchecked.
  14. In the Connection Tab, choose a lower quality such as "4k-png”for Compression
  15. Click OK to save the session configuration.

Once on X2Go, you can open up MATE monitors from the Applications->Systems tools menu, and you can open a web browser from the Applications->Internet menu. You can use the editor nano to edit your program files.

Some useful linux commands are "cd", "cd 160", "ls", "cat x" where x is a filename, and "g++ x", "g++ -Wall x -o y" where x is a .cpp file and y is the name you want for the executable.