Eclipse, tomcat and sample Dynamic Web Project with WEKA

1.                 Download file Lab6A.war to your computer

2.                 Start Eclipse

3.                 File->import->WEB->war file

4.                 Select Lab6A.war file which contains the java web application with weka and servlet, already working

5.                 Name your project: Lab6A, target runtime: Apache tomcat v7.0, press Next

6.                 Include weka.jar, press Finish.

7.                 Double-click on inputform.jsp in Project explorer. When the file opens in the editor, right click and select run on server. Start tomcat if asked.

8.                 You will be prompted to insert parameters. Click classify button.

9.                 You will get the classification answer printed on a new jsp page, which includes the user selection and the entire classified record, with the last attribute being the class.

10.                       After everything works inside eclipse, you can check the entire application by typing http://localhost/Lab6A in your WEB browser.

11.                       Now, when you have it you can add your own jsp pages and servlets, taking as a template existing files.

12.                       If you need connection to MySQL database in your project, please send e-mail to the instructor and you will get the running example of java WEB application with the database connection.

13.                       Report any problem to the instructor.